time travel


With no one to love on on valentines day I spent the night looking at the darkness, eating honey wheat toast with grape marmalade drinking a cold glass of water, listening to songs like Carlos Santana's 'Europa', and Jim Morrison's 'Far Arden' (I have this amazing version I cannot find any other place). It was great. Lately I have been making really nice late-night omelets. Its been kind of weird eating eggs since it had been over a year since I've had one, I had my first egg in Mexico when I went to visit for a while, my grandmother has chickens and cows, goats and donkeys, everything. In the mornings she goes and looks for eggs to make breakfast, which is so wonderful and why I had no problem eating them, the first egg was an experience, I had almost forgotten the taste. When we went to the market in the city we would buy cheese from women who made and went to sell them, I had my first cheese then too, and like eggs have continued to eat them here and there since then with a clear mind. Anyways I find breakfast for dinner so comforting. I have not eaten toast since elementary school probably, its a nice re-discovery. Nowadays I charge my ipod daily and put it to use with a good work out, today the weather was so nice and windy here, I took a shower and it was heaven to dry with the breeze, which reminds me: I used to smoke a bowl before showers, have you ever done that? Its just fabulous! high showers are where its at. Which again reminds me, I am completely sober from anything and everything for a month or two now?
Damn! Times are a'changing;)