time travel


I was thinking the other day how I dont use my cell phone at all unless I'm out in case of phone calls (I'm a freak about cell phone radiation), I'd carry it sometimes to check the time and how I'd really like to have a watch instead. Life would be beautiful of course, and a couple of days back I was gifted a watch out of all things. Its soo nice. I also recently got a monthly planner, Its helped me so much to set small goals for myself here and there. I look to see what can be done what day. Looking at all of the days of the month layed out before you is so curious. I ask myself 'I wonder where Ill be on the 20th?' and 'What would have happened when I look back at the end of the month?' When I write something on an upcoming date I think 'in no time I'll be here [at this date] remembering how now I only write this.' Time is maybe the most fascinating thing.